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Goodbye Heat Loss, Hello Energy Efficiency!

“It’s cold out” season is officially here—but that specific time of year isn’t one that has to exist inside of your home. At AtlasCare, we can help you make sure your home is a warm oasis for you to escape the cold and slush that’s synonymous with living in Southern Ontario. We’re here for you with your annual furnace maintenance needs, any emergency service (that you hopefully won’t need!), purchasing or installing a new furnace, and we can even recommend smart accessories for your home that will make your indoors more comfortable and—definite bonus—impress all the tech-fans in your home.

While AtlasCare can help you generate heat and keep your home comfortable by installing smart thermostats and humidifiers—both musts to keep you comfortable in the winter—there are things you, at home, can do to make sure heat and comfort stay inside, where they belong.

Have you heard of heat loss spots before? Not only do they make it colder inside your home, but they also reduce your energy efficiency. Addressing these problem areas right away will save you a lot of time, effort, and money in the long run.

So, if the inside of your home still doesn’t feel quite as warm as what your heating bill tells you it should be, it might be time to look into one of these five common heat loss culprits.

1. Windows

Take a look at the caulking around your windows. Is it worn? Or peeling? If so, it might be time to apply new caulking to avoid warm air leaking out. Oftentimes, the air leaks out from even small cracks around the window’s foundations, which is something caulking can help fix.

If you have older or drafty windows, you might also want to consider using plastic window coverings, as these can help further insulate your house to keep the warm air where it belongs—inside!

2. Doors

Like with windows, taking a good look around the frame can tell you all you need to know. Make sure the weather-stripping around doors is in good condition. If it’s worn, the seal it’s supposed to form against the door might not be working as hard for you as your furnace is. Broken seals or worn-down stripping creates a gap that lets your coveted warm air out. If needed, you can install adhesive foam (rubber or plastic) or felt to help seal the gap, although these are only temporary fixes.

3. Un-Insulated Attics

Because heat rises, it will eventually end up in your attic, and if that attic isn’t insulated, we’re sorry to say that warm air won’t stay around very long. Insulating your attic is an effective solution, as well as adding proper ventilation. If your heat vents are not placed in an optimal way, it becomes even easier for the warm air to escape.

4. Electrical Outlets

The warm air can also escape through electrical outlets and your light switch plates. After all, where there’s a gap, there’s a way out! You can help reduce the airflow by using special foam gaskets that improve the seal and insulation. Make sure to get the ones that are approved by the Canadian Standard Association, so they fit between the cover plates and receptacles or switches.

5. Baseboards

Take a look at your baseboards to find any gaps. If there are gaps between the bottom of the drywall and the floor, there may be a warm draft escaping through there. Found one? Not to worry—just pull out that caulk again and bead some on along the baseboard. Heat loss problem solved!

Now, because we know this time of year is busy, AtlasCare wants to help you reduce any stress caused by a growing list of to-dos. Once you’ve dealt with your heat loss spots and that new furnace or smart thermostat still sounds too good to be true, give us a call. We’ll take care of it so you can focus on making sure you’re ready for anything else this holiday season may bring for you.

We’re only a phone call away. Get in touch with AtlasCare by calling (647) 692-2978 or booking your service online today.

AtlasCare Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold...Just Right
2751 Coventry Road Oakville, ON L6H 5V9
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